Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Levels of the OVERFLOW Experience

wHy nOt mAke tHe choIce TO stAnd oUt
                   decide thAt thIs yeAr is the yEAr 
                   I chOOse to experIence

OVERFLOW in all areas of my life

  •  SPIRITUALLY ...... rekindling my conscious awareness of the INNER me, the core of me, choosing to press the pause button on this TREADMILL called life and taking intentional personal daily sessions to feed my Soul
  • MENTALLY / EMOTIONALLY .... recalling the difference between the TRUTH OF ME versus the FACTS OF ME ; and knowing that holding on to the Truth will always see me through the evolving Facts.
  • RELATIONALLY .... as the song says "I love myself so much, that I can love you so much, that you can love you so much that you can start loving me"
  • SOCIALLY .... through engaging and nurturing a core network that includes a spectrum of knowledge, skills, abilities and experiences that allow me to be a mentor and also be mentored while incorporating an ample dose of love, joy and peace
  • VOCATIONALLY .... by being a top performer, answering the call of my hearts desire and remembering in all I think, say and do  "EXCELLENCE is for a Reason for MORE that a Season FOR A LIFETIME
  • PHYSICALLY .... finding a harmonious balance that best fits my CHOSEN lifestyle
  • FINANCIALLY .... generating not just enough, but more that enough, through multiple channels/opportunities which seem to just be magnetised to me and produce consistent OVERFLOW ....... more that enough to care and share with loving ease

Thursday, January 6, 2011


The EARTH, YOUR FAMILY & YOU do with LOC as your preferred product choices.

Are the EARTH, YOUR FAMILY and YOU worth the investment of  
2 minutes 30 seconds

to see the environmentally conscious choice for all cleaning needs at home or the work place.  
(if a video error occurs in your region please email us using the email icon at the bottom right of this post)

Please remember to click your BROWSER BACK ARROW when the video is finished to return to this page

You may also visit the online store in YOUR REGION for additional information; 
use the search box (at top right of the home page for the online store) and look for
Select your region:-

For additional benefits you can register online as a customer and then email us with your account number. We will include you in the exclusive group of persons who have tailored reduced online pricing for their ongoing use.  This is available to those who act before 31 January 2011. 
21 more days to get
your customer account 
updated with exclusive price reduction
and demonstrate your love for the Earth, Your Family & You

LOC - Cleaning the Environmentally Conscious Way that you LOVE!!!

Note that your LOC Lifestyle Consultant name is EDWARDS with IBO#5435609

Saturday, January 1, 2011


Whether you are a busy professional planning a strategic business weekend retreat, an artiste going on a 30-day overseas gig, a single mom needing some time with "the girls"  or a couple just wanting a few hours 1-on-1 time ... all can greatly benefit from Aunty Rebecca's loving caring and professional SITTERS-ON-CALL service for their precious (and not so precious) little ones.

I encourage anyone needing support in this kind of way in Jamaica to use SITTERS ON CALL
876-456-2412. Click here for the Facebook Link
Aunty Rebecca may your loving and caring nature produce a life experience and harvest 100 fold and more in relations, health and wealth.