One day while the rain was falling I felt myself being pulled towards the window to look and see. To see what? I don't know, don't ask me, but I went anyway to look and see. What is it that could be out this window that is so important to see that is just pulling and pulling me, pulling me to come look and see.
There was nothing there but the rain falling and the same old mango tree; its trunk so huge it probably would take two adults to span all round it you see. So what is here to see that was still pulling at me, there was nothing new here that I could see. I looked a little closer at the old mango tree and I noticed its trunk and lower branches showed signs of being battered and bruised over the time it has been growing from the same spot you see. Little boys playing sword fight, the thick nylon rope of the tyre swing, and burning of rubbish at the trunk had all left scars on the old mango tree. Still I did not get it, this pulling at me was getting stronger as if urging me "come on now, look, look, look and you will see" the mango tree seemed to be beckoning to me. "I am looking but just can't see. Is it you that is pulling at me? Tell me, tell me, tell me please you see, I really want to see, to see what is it that is pulling at me."
"Yes it is I", the tree seemed to reply to me. "I didn't call you to come look and see, but to listen, listen with your heart to the Wisdom Whisperings of this Jamaican Mango Tree."
"What kind of madness..... hush, hush up" I quickly told my intellect as I intentionally, and rhythmically took some deep breaths preparing myself to listen with my heart. I continued breathing until all else disappeared from around me; I was now ready, ready for the Wisdom Whisperings of this Jamaican Mango Tree.
Isn't it funny how you all simply look through me all year long until it is the season and then you all crowd round to see, to see how many fruits you can pick, pick from me. None of you have ever tried to listen, to listen to me. None of you seem to be interested in producing fruits with your life-energy like me, producing in abundance and producing in harmony. Producing
fruitage in overflowing proportions, with more that enough to share and care for myself and all else around me. Giving and receiving in total harmony. Now I see you are different and more importantly, you are ready to listen from the heart to the Wisdom Whisperings of a Jamaican Mango Tree.
I am so clear on what to do with this life energy that flows through me; it is all for producing
fruitage in overflowing proportions you see.
Fruitage for you and all of nature to enjoy and importantly,
fruitage to replenish the environment you see. This is why I produce so abundantly, joyfully giving and receiving from my overflowing
fruitage assures the cycle continues into perpetuity.
There is a time of preparation, when none can see the invisible work that is taking place deep within me; work that follows a process not governed by intellect, yet a process so free, it is a process in harmony with universal intelligence you see.
It is universal intelligence that guides my roots deep in the ground to absorb water, minerals and nutrients that feed my life energy. These same roots create an anchor for me as I spread my branches far and wide so that all the leaves play their part in also feeding my life energy. The same universal intelligence governs the timing so that blossoms only appear when the preparation within is complete. Time for producing fruit is here. Notice how I hold up all my blossoms to the sun giving thanks for the lavish abundance being produced through me even before it is done. Never ceasing this thanks giving stance until every blossom has played its part either producing fruit or falling to the ground, giving up itself to replenish the earth and join the process again from the start.
Notice how focused I am in using my life energy. Baby leaves are nurtured to maturity, mature leaves absorb more energy from the environment to replenish my life energy, while old leaves are allowed to wither, die and fall to the ground where they, like the fallen blossoms, replenish the earth and join the process again from the start. You will never see me trying to use my life energy to resuscitate a dead leaf; this is because divine intelligence is available to every element that makes up the one me and these elements all understand from the process first begun that there is only one purpose for the life energy flow and that is for the preparation and production of the mangoes in overflowing proportions.
How carefully did you watch after the fire destroyed about a quarter of me. Did you notice that I still held my focus and all the life energy was refocused on the remaining parts of me, ensuring the fruits were produced despite the challenge that was not created by me? Did you notice that the fruits that year were the biggest and sweetest? That was the result of intentional focus to fulfill my purpose.
I have no intellect with which to make choices, I say void of jealousy; it is a distinct gift you have been blessed with because you are so multifaceted. My
fruitage is mangoes, not plums, melons or papaws. You, however, are unlimited in the
fruitage that can flow through you, with all that talent, knowledge, skills and abilities. So with
LOve and
Wisdom, stay in the
FLOW of this universal process and work in perfect harmony, producing your
fruitage in overflowing proportions. Yes, use your intellect to choose not worry, fret, fear or self doubt, but choose instead to fulfill your purpose; focusing all your life energy on simply producing your overflowing affluent
fruitage that can never be duplicated because it was produced uniquely through you.
So that is it for now from me, that is the end of the Wisdom Whisperings of a Jamaican Mango Tree :)