I just love this quote from W.H. Murray.
Even if you have read it before, new insights seem to be derived from each fresh re-read.
In the attached picture notice the vast difference in size between the man and the mountain in front of him. How similar is this to the apparent disparity between us and the "mountains" that just popup while we are on our life journey?
While he stands there, what is the inner mental chatter that is possibly going through his mind as he looks at the task ahead?
If he intends to be successfully at the top of the mountain, one thing is certain ..... he must move forward from where he presently stands.
He needs all of him to be at one with the outcome.
A key point to ignite this forward motion is for him to have a viewpoint from a perspective of power. A viewpoint from which he is soaring way above the mountain, looking down.
This is the beauty that is uppermost for me on this particular re-read of the quote.
Getting in touch with the "spiritual" man within allows me to touch an element of me that is limitless; the Mind and Body may have its limits, but Spirit is not confined to time, space, mind or body. When I make the Spirit, Mind, Body (SMB) connection (in that order) I am assured more than the body merely acting in accordance with instructions from the mind. I am assured additionally that the mind is first inspired by Spirit to be ready for extraordinary outcomes.
In the picture, the man is clearly minute in comparison to the mountain ahead. The Spirit, however, can expand way beyond the mountain. It is with this spiritual connection that he can start soaring above the mountain even before the first step is taken. In that expanded state, Spirit inspires the Mind to instruct the Body to move forward already knowing that he is on top.
What if we found ways to apply this approach to the everyday "mountains" on our life journey. Yes with commitment and this excellent SMB connection we can continue on our journey with joy, peace, harmony and a true sense of fulfillment.
Commit therefore to yourself and you will experience that all things are truly possible with an excellent connection; the SMB connection.