This is your safe space to ...
- raise questions about challenges you are facing in any area of your life
- discuss situations you would like to support someone else through ...
Are you or anyone you care about in an environment where financial challenges are mounting, job opportunities are reducing, companies are downsizing or closing down?
Are you or anyone you care about questioning the relevance of an attitude of academic excellence and higher learning devoid of any guarantee of satisfactory job placement or business development?
Can you or anyone you care about feel yourself/themselves tightening up on the inside?
Are you or anyone you care about wondering if your position will be included in the next redundancy exercise?
Are personal relationships and communication becoming strained?
Are you or anyone you care about a business owner seriously considering to close shop?
Is the grass appearing greener on the otherside? [in relationships; in business; at work; in your choosen country of residence]
Are you or anyone you care about having a roller coaster type of daily experience emotionally; up today, down tomorrow?
Let us explore any of these that you choose to share in this Open House Workshop/Discussion and test the systems tools and techniques within the book extract Chapters 1-4 , Chapter 5 and Chapter 6 to see how together we can craft personal solutions to personal challenges.
It may be useful to have access to the pH (personal harmometer) discussed in another post while working with the material in the online book being shared with you here.
Register as a follower now and use the comments feature to start the discussion that is important and a personal priority for you or anyone you care about.