Saturday, March 14, 2009

Just Start Right Now - CHAPTERS 1 - 4 evolving to Space4More....

I invite you to be part of a book project as it evolves. Kindly REGISTER AS A FOLLOWER of this post to give your feedback and comments and help impact the final published product. I am trusting you all to respect and honour the material as my intellectual property with all the related copyrights. The baisc idea behind writing the book is to encourage readers to Just Start Rigt Now with what they have and stop waiting on ............................. to build/live their dreams and aspirations.

Read chapters 1 - 4 and give your feedback/comments

The essential questions I am seeking feedback on are:-

1)What do you think of the title

2) Is the material easy to read and understand

3) Does the material stimulate you to take action.

Clearly I am open to suggestions for enhancement in any of these 3 key areas of focus.
Use the comments feature of this post to seek clarification of any point as well as to offer your feedback.

Out of the multiplicity of experiences and interactions I have had, it is clear to me that often times we all have fantastic ideas and great potential. Ideas, which if acted upon and implemented, would have had tremendous positive impact not only on the individual in question who had the idea, but also on the community and world at large. However, for many varied reasons, several individuals remain stuck, do not realise their full potential and just do not act on or implement the fantastic ideas they have. I am now offering such persons an opportunity to become unstuck. An opportunity to; “Just start right now with what you have” and move towards realising your full potential. This entire book is based on the application of a simple three-step harmony formula and the utility of a self assessment tool that I have created called the harmometer ® to support the process.

The three-step harmony formula:- ....................
Read chapters 1 - 4 and give your feedback/comments

For the HARMOMETER tool see the post below titled "Tapping into Personal Renewable Energy Supply" .

You may also support the further stages of development of chapters 5 and 6 by clicking here and participating in the online workshop


jazzofonik said...

How about "Start Now!!"

LIFESTYLE Dr - Paul Anthony Edwards said...

Thanks for taking the time to comment on QUESTION#1 (of 3).

START NOW!!!! could work also.

Did you undertand that my original thought was to use the INITIALS ONLY as the title (JSRN), with smaller print under it with the full words. See the first page/cover sheet in the e-book extract attached to this blog post.

JUST Start RIGHT Now - was being used for extra emphasis (Just & Right) on the need for us all to get started and get started now despite doubt, fear, uncertainty, unknowns. I am sure you have heard a friend say "I have this great idea, but.....

I dont have the right contacts to ...
I dont have the money to ...
I am not sure that ...
I dont know if there is a market to ... etc

Which title option do you think would be a response to such a friend that would MOTIVATE them into action.

"JSRN !!!" Just Start Right Now with what you have.


START NOW!!! with what you have.

Further comments are invited.

Additionally please remember to register as a FOLLOWER to this blog as well as to give comments on questions#2 and #3