Reports abound; redundancies, job losses, business closures, financial crisis. All with promises that the worst is yet to come. Unchecked, this constant bombardment can leave us disillusioned, devoid of passion, energy or purpose.
Is there a way to check ourselves; become more aware of our personal energy status; and make choices to re-energise ourselves given the information of our current status?
I have created a flashcard tool that I have named the Personal Harmometer (PH). Harmometer is pronounced similarly to thermometer. Like the thermometer the HARMOMETER is a measurement tool; it measures our personal level of energy and harmony.
And it is so simple to use.
It encourages us to remember to pause for a few moments and self-evaluate, especially when the stakes are high, life is dumping on us and we are inwardly feeling depleted.
The tool allows us to evaluate/balance ourselves on 7 parameters and has a simple rule of thumb; "keep the PH score at 3 and above for each parameter and we will always have the energy to do all we need to do."
The tool encourages us to take responsibility; to remove our attention from externalities and other persons; to move from reliance on the mind only; to become more in tune with our HEART and inner wisdom.
From a deeper analysis of the tool we will soon recognise that like an equaliser balancing the various frequencies to optimise the sound emitting as music to the ear depending on the genre of music being played. So too we are encouraged to re-balance each of the 7 parameters, depending on what life is throwing at us, so that we are always energised and staying in the flow of an harmonious life experience.
Through repeated use of the tool we will soon recognise that the 7 parameters are interrelated, with one or more being the trigger point(s) pulling us down or pushing us up the energy scale.

It is time to harness this energy supply as you feed your audacity to succeed in any environment.
Yes you can!!!
If you want support, clarification or if you want to create a workshop, then email
You can get a fresh dose of energy by joining the Open House Workshop/Discussion, reviewing the book extracts and simply participating by reading AND COMMENTING from the Heart. This latter part "COMMENTING from the Heart" is where you experience the magic for yourself. So don't miss out!!! :)
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