Monday, September 23, 2013


We can use any situation/event as a trigger to stay in the FLOW of TRUTH and harmonious action.

Take driving a car for example.
If we are on a straight road, and the vehicle veers to the left or right when we let the steering wheel go, then we can know that it is time to get the vehicle realigned.
When the vehicle is properly aligned it not only runs a straight line when the steering is released, additionally many other system perform optimally. Eg tyre wear lasts longer

Similarly in life we perform optimally when we choose to be properly aligned and stay in the flow of truth.

The TRUTH is that we each are

  1. completely LOVED
  2. completely LOVABLE
  3. completely LOVING
We each Experience, Express and Attract this TRUTH through the CHOICES we make each day to BEHAVE as if we AGREE WITH and BELIEVE THIS TRUTH during each and every interaction, thought word and deed.

Stay Blessed
                 Stay in the FLOW

ps ... have you set a side some time today to be detached from all the business of life. Just be still and know, experience this truth that we are speaking of. Here is a link to help set the tone of that space .... click here for some relaxing music

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