This is your safe space to ...
- raise questions about challenges you are facing in any area of your life
- discuss situations you would like to support someone else through ...
Are you or anyone you care about in an environment where financial challenges are mounting, job opportunities are reducing, companies are downsizing or closing down?
Are you or anyone you care about questioning the relevance of an attitude of academic excellence and higher learning devoid of any guarantee of satisfactory job placement or business development?
Can you or anyone you care about feel yourself/themselves tightening up on the inside?
Are you or anyone you care about wondering if your position will be included in the next redundancy exercise?
Are personal relationships and communication becoming strained?
Are you or anyone you care about a business owner seriously considering to close shop?
Is the grass appearing greener on the otherside? [in relationships; in business; at work; in your choosen country of residence]
Are you or anyone you care about having a roller coaster type of daily experience emotionally; up today, down tomorrow?
Let us explore any of these that you choose to share in this Open House Workshop/Discussion and test the systems tools and techniques within the book extract Chapters 1-4 , Chapter 5 and Chapter 6 to see how together we can craft personal solutions to personal challenges.
It may be useful to have access to the pH (personal harmometer) discussed in another post while working with the material in the online book being shared with you here.
Register as a follower now and use the comments feature to start the discussion that is important and a personal priority for you or anyone you care about.
The roller coaster ride emotional is a constant cycle. I am still unaware of how to recognise and deal with it before it gets to the point my mental capacity is blocked and I just shutdown. Can the Harmometer help with this?
How does one use the harmometer to solve relationship issues? Can it really be used in such a way that enhances the capacity of any individual t find harmony in the different areas of life? I wai in anticipation....
Hi richieja great questions.
Review the two additional comments added
1)Harmometer & Emotional Roller Coaster Ride.
2) Harmometer & Relational Issues
All of us have up days and down days. The frequency of the swings from "up days" to "down days" is different for each of us.
Where the HARMOMETER becomes useful is not in avoiding "down days" but in empowering our awareness of the trigger(s) and choice of response during those "down days"; thereby facilitating a quicker turn-around to "up-days".
The Harmometer facilitates us being more aware as it stimulates us to PAUSE during the "down days" and evaluate ourselves using the 7 ASPECTS OF BEING listed on the harmometer. If we are feeling EMOTIONALLY Stressed for example, we could start drilling down and asking ourselves which one or combination of the remaing 6 areas of being are the catalyst/stimulus triggering the stress we are feeling. Each of us could ask ourselves if the Emotional Stress trigger is really that I am Financially "depleted" (score of 1 on the harmometer); or is the Emotional Stress being triggered by my fear of being made redundant which for me could be evaluated on the harmometer as being Vocationally and Financially low (a score of 2).
Awareness of the trigger(s) of the Emotional Stress now empowers me to make choices to ensure these triggers are never pulled.
If we do this self evaluation regularly, ensuring to take steps to keep our personal Harmometer (pH) score at 3 and above for each of our 7 aspects of being; what will happen is that our "inner space" will be clear and free to process and assimilate a flood of divine ideas.
If on the other hand, we stay STRESSED OUT (pH scores of 2 and less) then our innerspace will be cluttered, we will be tense and tight and only a limited flow of ideas, if any come through to us; thereby causing us to linger if not reside in this "low"/"deplete" status.
So why not "FREE-UP" our inner space (pH score at 3 and above) and allow the FREEFLOW of ideas for a better life to flood our world of possibilities.
This area of one on one relationships is a vital part of being human.
If you agree that POOR COMMUNICATION and LACK OF INTIMACY are two significant issues in relationships then I will go on to share how the HARMOMETER may be a useful support tool.
The HARMOMETER can be used as a support tool for keeping the communication channel between parties free and clear; thereby facilitating heart-to-heart communication between parties instead of the "blame-game" emotionally charged accusing/sarcastic tones that often arise.
What parties are encouraged to do is to use the scores for each of the 7 Aspects of Being noted on the Personal Harmometer as a common denominator to which they can each take turns and speak. What is recommended is that each party speaks about their personal Harmometer (pH) score as they reflect on the current situation being discussed. Language such as "When you did X, it made me feel depleted relationally (pH score of 1), as I felt disrespected. This inturn made me feel low Emotionally (pH score of 2)." Please note that what is being shared here is how one party feels inwardly and NOT BLAMING the other party. While this is being shared the other party is asked to listen from the heart and get in tune with how the person speaking feels in their inners space; dont think about what you meant or did not mean but focus on the feelings that the speaker is sharing.
Parties then shift roles; the speaker now listens from the heart while the listener shifts to speaking from the heart about his/her pH scores.
Now armed with a better appreciation of each others "inner space" together the parties are placed in a better position to agree on approaches that they can take individually and/or together to lift each other's pH score.
Dont give in to the natural tendency to place responsibility for your inner space in your partner's hands. Language such as "If you would stop doing x then I would ....." is actually giving up your power. What you are challenged to do is to indicate the approach you would use in the future to enable you to respond differently even if the other person continues with their current behaviour. This way you are in control of keeping your inner space clear and pH score in the 3-5 range. Your partner, from their own free will, can choose what they will do to support you keeping your pH score in the 3-5 range; if this includes a behaviour adjustment, let them come up with that idea themself.
Experiment with using the Personal Harmometer in this way and experience the advantages of clear communication channels in your relationships.
In relationships, the subject of INTIMACY is often times limited to a single dimensional (physical/sexual) experience.
With the personal Harmometer (pH), we are encouraging parties to visit being intimate on ALL 7 dimensions/aspects of being as listed on the Harmometer. Intimacy at this deeper level has the potential to lead to multi-dimensional sexual fulfillment in relationships.
To shift into this level of Intimacy, parties are encouraged to explore and ascribe a pH score for the current level of Intimacy being experienced between them for each of the 7 aspects of being. Next each party would create action plans for the areas that had pH scores of 2 and less. Being consitent and true to these action plans has the potential for rich, satisfying rewards being experienced.
Wow..I appreciate your responses. The harmometer offers creative ways for relationship resolutions on a deeper level. It is now opening my eyes on how pH can even be used to constantly analyse life; identifying problem areas before they get critical. Great!
The issue will be getting the partner to incorporate the pH in their lives.
On another note does one ensure clear decision making and analysis is done outside of been driven my the negative emotions during the 'down days' using the pH?
Can I confidently make important decisions using my pH without asking for a second opinion?
Hi richieja.
Please allow me to use an extract from your comment as an opportunity for sharing another of life's lessons.
You are gaining insights as to how this tool/system (Personal Harmometer or pH) can positively influence your life experience RELATIONALLY and beyond. You then went on to comment "The issue will be getting the partner to incorporate the pH in their lives."
Without question, it is important for persons in relationship to speak the same language. I believe that it would be an excellent opportunity for partners to experience fulfillment and intimacy on multiple dimensions (7 listed within the Personal Harmometer)if partners experimented with the pH system together. {review post titled:- "TAPPING INTO PERSONAL RENEWABLE ENERGY SUPPLY" and the other post titled:- "Just Start Right Now - CHAPTERS 1 - 4"}
However, it is not a requirement that both work the pH system together.
Any one of them can simple make a personal commitment to start working the pH system for him/her-self; constantly being aware of his/her pH status premptively (before events actually arise) proactively (during an event as it is actually unfolding) and reactively (taking responsibility and lessons after events occur). In the goodness of time this person will continue to unfold and reveal a more passionate, caring, energised, self-aware persona. This level of personal growth may stimulate their partner to question what facilitated this growth. When the student is ready the teacher appears; and this would be a good time to share personal insights on the pH systems. Without any strings attached, recommend that the partner trys working with the pH system themself.
The key lesson I take from all of this is that as we focus on our personal development and growth, and allow others the space to do the same in their own way and time-line, the more peaceful, harmonious, and fulfilling life we will lead; even if it means allowing the current relationship to lovingly evolve to what is best for ALL concerned. Which may mean continuing life's journey separately.
I just love this question: "Can I confidently make important decisions using my pH without asking for a second opinion?"
My first comment is to encourage you to go ahead and be willing to learn from your mistakes; dont get stuck in what has been called by some "analysis paralysis". Nor should you allow fear/doubt/uncertainty to freeze you into a state of non-action. JUST START RIGHT NOW, TAKE A STEP, do your best to access the best information you can then make a decision and take action that supports the decision. Evaluate the outcome.
Excellent results are to be CELEBRATED!!!
Undesireable outcomes are to be used as opportunities for learning and growth. Start the cycle again... do your best to access the best information you can .......
The pH systems offer you a process to be more aware of your inner-most space. This space is often hidden to all in the world ...... except you:)
It is insightful to seek Consulation on important matters with spouse, family, friends, technical experts, mentors etc as you personally choose. This way you allow the breadth of wisdom, knowledge, skills abilities and experience within your personal support network to be leveraged for your advantage.
When enhanced with the pH systems, these consultations with your support network allows you to make informed decisions that are harmonious for your inner-space; decisions that keep your pH scores in the 3-5 range. {review post titled:- "TAPPING INTO PERSONAL RENEWABLE ENERGY SUPPLY" and the other post titled:- "Just Start Right Now - CHAPTERS 1 - 4"}
QUESTION:- "How does one ensure clear decision making and analysis is done outside of being driven by the negative emotions during the 'down days' using the pH?"
{review post titled:- "TAPPING INTO PERSONAL RENEWABLE ENERGY SUPPLY" and the other post titled:- "Just Start Right Now - CHAPTERS 1 - 4"}
The personal Harmometer (pH) systems can be used
1) PRE-EMTIVELY before events arise. Here the personal evaluation is done picturing the POTENTIAL EVENT in mind and considering its impact on each of the 7 areas within the harmometer. You then design plans and take actions to keep the score for each of the 7 areas within the 3-5 range.
2) PROACTIVELY during an event as it is actually unfolding. Here you are staying alert as to your pH score during events as they unfold; quickly taking action to keep your score in the 3-5 range
3) REACTIVELY after events have occurred. Here you evaluate your pH score after the event. Out of this evaluation you will be able to celebrate preemptive and/or proactive actions taken that kept your pH scores in the 3-5 range. Additionally you will have the opportunity to take responsibility for those areas where your pH score is at 2 or less and learn the relevant lessons as to how to lift these areas into the pH score range of 3-5.
Yes, I truly believe that this pH system stimulates the heightened self-awareness, clear inner-space and consistent actions of integrity which are precursors to experiening a fulfilling a successful life.
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